Critical Illness
Available for Full-Time and Part-Time Krispy Kremers
Life is sprinkled with surprises. You can’t prepare for all of them, but insurance can help cover some of the bigger ones.

How Does it Work?
Group critical illness insurance provides you with a lump-sum benefit if you’re diagnosed with a covered illness. This benefit will help cover your out-of-pocket medical expenses–or any expenses related to changing your lifestyle as a result of your illness.
During your new hire enrollment period, guarantee issue is available to all eligible Krispy Kremers and family members. You’ll be accepted into the plan, regardless of your current health status, and no health questions will be asked.
Krispy Kremers can also elect up to the guarantee issue during annual enrollment. If you elect more than the guarantee-issue amount, you will be required to complete an Evidence of Insurability application.
This coverage is available to Krispy Kremers through Voya. You can initiate a claim by contacting Voya via phone at 888-238-4840 or submitting a claim online.
Bonus Wellness Incentive!
After you participate in critical illness insurance for 30 days, you and your covered spouse may receive up to an annual $50 benefit when you complete a covered screening test. Examples include a stress test, fasting blood glucose test, mammography, colonoscopy, Pap smear and blood test for prostate cancer.
Your Cost for Coverage
If you choose to elect Critical Illness coverage, the amount you pay depends on whether or not you’re a tobacco user and if you elect coverage for yourself and/or for your spouse.
Coverage for Children
Benefit amount for children is equal to 50% of Employee Benefit.
2025 Weekly Paycheck Contributions
Employee Critical Illness — $10,000 benefit
Employee’s Age | Non-Tobacco User | Tobacco User |
<30 | $0.67 | $1.04 |
30 – 39 | $1.13 | $1.68 |
40 – 49 | $2.05 | $2.91 |
50 – 59 | $3.60 | $5.28 |
60 – 64 | $4.59 | $6.88 |
65 – 69 | $4.59 | $6.88 |
70+ | $5.35 | $7.22 |
Employee Critical Illness — $20,000 benefit
Employee’s Age | Non-Tobacco User | Tobacco User |
<30 | $1.34 | $2.08 |
30 – 39 | $2.26 | $3.37 |
40 – 49 | $4.11 | $5.82 |
50 – 59 | $7.20 | $10.57 |
60 – 64 | $9.18 | $13.75 |
65 – 69 | $9.18 | $13.75 |
70+ | $10.71 | $14.45 |
Employee Critical Illness — $30,000 benefit
Employee’s Age | Non-Tobacco User | Tobacco User |
<30 | $2.01 | $3.12 |
30 – 39 | $3.39 | $5.05 |
40 – 49 | $6.16 | $8.72 |
50 – 59 | $10.80 | $15.85 |
60 – 64 | $13.78 | $20.63 |
65 – 69 | $13.78 | $20.63 |
70+ | $16.13 | $21.67 |
Spouse Critical Illness — $5,000 benefit
Spouse’s Age | Non-Tobacco User | Tobacco User |
<30 | $0.33 | $0.52 |
30 – 39 | $0.57 | $0.84 |
40 – 49 | $1.03 | $1.45 |
50 – 59 | $1.80 | $2.64 |
60 – 64 | $2.30 | $3.44 |
65 – 69 | $2.30 | $3.44 |
70+ | $2.68 | $3.61 |
Spouse Critical Illness — $10,000 benefit
Spouse’s Age | Non-Tobacco User | Tobacco User |
<30 | $0.67 | $1.04 |
30 – 39 | $1.13 | $1.68 |
40 – 49 | $2.05 | $2.91 |
50 – 59 | $3.60 | $5.28 |
60 – 64 | $4.59 | $6.88 |
65 – 69 | $4.59 | $6.88 |
70+ | $5.35 | $7.22 |
Spouse Critical Illness — $15,000 benefit
Spouse’s Age | Non-Tobacco User | Tobacco User |
<30 | $1.00 | $1.56 |
30 – 39 | $1.70 | $2.53 |
40 – 49 | $3.08 | $4.36 |
50 – 59 | $5.40 | $7.93 |
60 – 64 | $6.89 | $10.32 |
65 – 69 | $6.89 | $10.32 |
70+ | $8.03 | $10.83 |